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Staff member
Feb 22, 2025
Pro Soccer Online UID
These rules apply to all PSOBBS Caps games and all tournaments organized by PSOBBS.
●Even if a situation does not fall under the rules below, punishment may be decided through an admin meeting in special cases.
1. General Rules
●A player who has volunteered as the captain once is prohibited from volunteering as the captain for the next game.
●Players, except for the captain or substitute captains, are not allowed to use the global chat under any circumstances.
●Only the captain or substitute captain may use the global chat to protest against the referee’s decision.
2. Rules on Number of Players and Match Duration
●For a 6v6 map, the match duration is 12 minutes. (6v6, 7v7)
●For an 8v8 map, the match duration is 14 minutes. (7v7, 8v8, 9v9)
●For an 11v11 map, the match duration is 16 minutes. (10v10, 11v11)
●These rules may change depending on the tournament.3. Rules on Uniforms
●Each team must wear uniforms that are easily distinguishable from each other.
●Each team's goalkeeper must wear a uniform that is distinguishable from other players.
●Uniform changes are prohibited during a Caps game.
4. Rules on Deadball Situations A warning will be issued for violations of the deadball rules during the game.
●A warning will be given for the following violations.
(Yellow card)
●Violations during a deadball situation that result in a goal will be invalidated. (Also applies to penalty shootout rules)PK Rules
●A player must take the shot in a straight line while standing within the goal area, taking one step per shot. (Repeated pressing of the W key is prohibited.)
●The player must take the shot in front of the goalkeeper.
●The shot must be taken forward.Free Kick and Corner Kick Rules
●It is prohibited to block the goalkeeper during a free kick or corner kick.
5. Rules on Re-entry, Substitution, and Ejection A warning will be issued for violations of the re-entry, substitution, or ejection rules during the game.
●A player who disconnects during the game can re-enter when the ball is out of play. A warning will be issued for violation. (
Yellow card)
●Substitutions must be made using the swap function. A warning will be issued for violations. (
Yellow card)
●A substituted player cannot re-enter the game. A warning will be issued for violations. (
Yellow card)
●A player who is ejected cannot re-enter the game. Violations may result in disadvantages.
●A player's match records will not be reflected in their personal career if they are ejected.
6. Rules on Bug Exploiting Bug exploiting will result in punishment after an admin meeting. [
Minimum punishment and higher will be applied]
●Intentionally having a goalkeeper catch a ball passed by a teammate
●Exiting the designated area during a throw-in, or any action that exploits bugs for an advantage
●Goals scored through bug exploits (Power shot bugs, throw-in bugs, etc.) will be canceled.
●If the game is not concluded properly due to server issues, the match will be invalidated.
7. Rules on Trolling Trolling will result in punishment after an admin meeting. [
Mid-level punishment criteria and higher will be applied]
●Excessive failure to adhere to the assigned position
●Failure to follow the captain's instructions
●Actions not agreed upon with team members
●Leaving the game or being absent, causing harm to the team
●Any other actions reported will be reviewed and punished if necessary
8. Rules on Leaving the GameLeaving the game will result in punishment after an admin meeting. [
Mid-level punishment and higher will be applied]
●Leaving during the Caps game draft
●Leaving during the game in progress
9. Rules on Forfeiting and Default LossThis rule does not apply to Caps games.
●The captain or substitute captain may declare a forfeit before the game starts. A forfeit results in a default loss.
●A default loss is treated as a 3-0 score, and the player's individual record is not reflected.

●If both teams have fewer than 4 players, the match will be invalidated without a reschedule.
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